Be on the Leading Edge

What if you had a way to gently and safely get to the core of you or your clients fears, issues as well as their souls desires? …. It’s as if we’re being shown how to access all of ourselves at this...
Read The Rest →What if you had a way to gently and safely get to the core of you or your clients fears, issues as well as their souls desires? …. It’s as if we’re being shown how to access all of ourselves at this...
Read The Rest →Have you ever noticed that when you want or need something rarely does your asking come from a place of joy or wholeness? Because it’s the feeling that creates, if you come from a place of feeling good about whatever it is that you...
Read The Rest →Turn your life into an Adventure by… Most people tend to associate adventure with an activity that involves a high degree of risk and/ or danger; now this may or may not be true. In the Webster’s dictionary Adventure is described as, an exciting...
Read The Rest →Soul Re-Cognition When erroneous limiting beliefs and negative past experiences held within your sub-conscious mind are brought into the light of consciousness, they resolve like a vapor mist, setting you free to be fully in this moment… Fearless … Loving...
Read The Rest →Desire: The word “Desire” comes from a Latin meaning “Of the sire” or “Of the Father.” Now, I’m not a religious man …but maybe there’s a little hint for us here. Maybe, just maybe this delicious, emotion filled idea coming from inside of you,...
Read The Rest →The Priest and the Cabbie There was an English Priest and a Chicago cab driver who both died and went to heaven at the same time. They arrived at the pearly gates and were greeted by St. Peter. “Welcome, welcome!” Said St....
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