The Neuro Trauma Healing Process© &
The Soul Re-Cognition Process©

The Missing Link In The Evolution Of Our Healing & Spiritual Growth:

The unconscious realm holds the keys to where your authentic, creative self – Your Soul resides. Connection with it is the gateway that brings you back into alignment with your true nature: health, prosperity, freedom and fulfillment.

NTHP: The Neuro Trauma Healing Process©

NTHP© is for those who want to heal and bring trauma; large or small to resolution. All chronic conditions; unwanted behaviors and addiction stem from negative energy from past experiences that are trapped in our body – looping in our nervous system. Through the natural, safe and gentle safe NTHP© process you can access the place within you that holds this energy and your most powerful and fixed beliefs and bring them safely into the light of the present moment to be released. This means the wounded part of you that is still experiencing the negative event(s) can be brought to a place of safety and given the ability to re-choose the response to what was once too scary or overwhelming. Trying to ‘fix it’ from the intellect of the conscious mind will only create anxiety, confusion and frustration as the familiar, unwanted pattern continues to rear its unwanted head. By healing on the sub or unconscious level, you will see an end to the destructive cycle and/or behaviour in your life – as if by magic. It isn’t magic at all, it is quite simply how you work.

NTHP offers a new solution. Through a combination of left / right brain exercises and guided meditations, a trained facilitator will become your partner in guiding you in tapping into your most powerful creative faculty, your sub-conscious mind. The information you will derive from the work is specific to you and for you. It will allow you to understand the root cause of your trauma or dysfunction, the why behind it, and what you need to heal. The process doesn’t stop there though. Through your own inner connection, and this inner separation / block being resolved, you will automatically start allowing yourself to be more authentic, more fully your Self. you will find yourself naturally beginning to thrive in your life.

Free Yourself From Your Past – Be who you were born to be.

How Does It Work?
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SRC: The Soul Re-Cognition Process©

The Soul Re-Cognition Process© is the empowerment aspect of this work and for those wanting to connect with their most powerful creative faculty. SRC© is the natural next step from the Neuro Trauma Healing Process. From that healing you will naturally re-connect back to your inner guidance system; your higher, authentic self, or source. You have wisdom within you far beyond what you ever imagined. Through healing and empowering the connection to this inner life you will experience your life working at a higher level – easier, with more passion and joy. You can connect with your inner Archetypes and learn how to feed your Lover, your Warrior, your Magician and Your Sovereign and experience just how amazing You are.

When your sub-conscious mind and your conscious mind are in alignment, that is agreement, there is nothing in your way and what you desire will become manifest. Are you ready to dissolve the blocks that have been holding you back from connecting with and hearing your own personal guidance system, your innate wisdom? Are you ready to access your essential Self and be the person you came here to be?

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Freedom is a condition of the Soul
~ Joel Goldsmith